Will AI Reshape Our World Faster Than Electricity?

Frank Diana
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Imagine a world transformed not in decades, but years, by a single invention. That’s the potential future with Artificial Intelligence (AI). History offers a fascinating comparison: electricity. This seemingly simple technology took 40 years to fully revolutionize factories, forever altering manufacturing. Along the way, it changed how we lived in our homes, altered the workforce, and transformed various aspects of society. But will AI follow the same slow burn, or are we on the cusp of an exponential leap?

Electricity’s impact stemmed from its status as a General Purpose Technology (GPT) — a fundamental innovation applicable across industries. Similarly, AI holds the potential to transform everything from healthcare to transportation. Just like electricity powered machines, AI can automate tasks, analyze data at an unprecedented scale, and even generate creative content. General purpose technologies of the past have followed a similar evolutionary path depicted in the visual. But, will AI accomplish this on a faster timeline?

Why AI Might Be Quicker: Unlike the slow rollout of electricity infrastructure, today’s rapid communication and collaboration could accelerate AI adoption. Advancements in AI research are shared globally and built upon almost instantaneously. This wasn’t the case with electricity, where infrastructure development limited its initial reach. Additionally, AI itself thrives on exponential learning, meaning its capabilities could improve at an ever-increasing rate.

Challenges on the Horizon: But we can’t just flip a switch, and AI’s path won’t be without hurdles. Social and ethical concerns, like job displacement and algorithmic bias, require careful consideration — issues electricity didn’t face. Furthermore, fully utilizing AI might necessitate complex new infrastructure for data collection, processing, and ethical frameworks. These factors could introduce delays compared to the relatively straightforward infrastructure of power grids.

AI’s impact will likely be significant. Electricity was not an invention with a singular impact on factories, as refrigerators, the comfort of air conditioning, and other advances were all powered by that one invention. Electricity’s true impact was multifaceted. The same will be true for AI, as it converges across the various aspects of society — in areas like work, education, health, transportation, energy, and others. The exact timeline remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: the economic and social consequences of AI demand proactive planning and a focus on responsible development.

AI’s potential to reshape our world is undeniable. Whether it happens faster than electricity’s revolution is an intriguing question. But one thing is certain: the journey will be fascinating, and the destination could be transformative.

Originally published at http://frankdiana.net on April 3, 2024.



Frank Diana

TCS Executive focused on the rapid evolution of society and business. Fascinated by the view of the world in the next decade and beyond https://frankdiana.net/