How Might The World Respond?
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Post, rehearsing the future has never been more important. In that post, I focused on the implications of COVID-19 across a broad set of categories. In a complex and uncertain world, to sense and respond is critical to managing towards constructive outcomes. In this case, to sense is to have a view of potential impact. Responding — in all its various forms — shapes the future. How might the world respond to a pandemic that threatens to reshape that world? This slideshow capture the full sense-and-respond exercise. As is the case with a See-Rehearse-Adapt philosophy, this exercise is never done. Here in this slideshow are the possible implications and potential responses. Let’s connect a few dots.
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I will update and post on a regular basis. Here are links to each of my prior COVID-19 posts.
Rehearsing Possible Post COVID-19 Futures Possible Futures Emerging Across Multiple Domains More Thought Leaders Weigh In On A Post Pandemic Future
Mid-Pandemic Impact on Supply Chains
Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Scenarios
Is The Canary Dead?
A Post Pandemic Society
How Will The Corona Virus Impact Globalization?
The Corona Virus Serves As A Catalyst For Change
Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Scenarios
COVID-19 Monday Morning News
Anatomy Of An Outbreak
Discussing A Post-Pandemic Society on Salem Radio Network
The COVID-19 Economic Impact On China and a Glimpse Of The Future
Assessing A Post Pandemic Future: A Video
Coronavirus: Permanent Change? 34 Big Thinkers Explore the Possibilities
Futurist Gerd Leonhard Looks Back From The Near Future
Originally published at on April 9, 2020.