Future Today Institute: 2019 Trends Report
As leaders struggle with a very uncertain and complex future, the pace of change serves to complicate any effort to understand that future. Organizations like the Future Today Institute (FTI) provide leaders with a window into possible futures — and the methods required to track signals. Amy Webb — Founder and CEO of the Organization had this to say:
“We cannot know exactly what the future holds — which is an excellent reason to track signals and decisions not just at the start of a new year, but all year long. Don’t wait for your next big quarterly meeting to make decisions. Think exponentially, look for intersecting vectors of change and figure out ways to make incremental decisions as often as possible. Always remember that the future isn’t yet written. You and your team have the power to build your preferred futures, today.”
Her focus on Intersections and signals is spot on. I’ve been a big believer that Disruptive Power Lies at the Intersections. An ability to visualize these intersections lies at the heart of understanding Possible Scenarios. The work of organizations like FTI provide great foresight to leaders attempting to track signals and understand possible intersections. Another perspective from Ms. Webb:
“While you cannot solve for future uncertainty, you can prepare your teams to think strategically using data-driven signals, trends and outcomes. Focus on connections, not predictions. Doing so will help your organization get ahead of disruption in order to build your preferred futures.”
Future Thinking is not the forecasting of our past. Leaders must accept that pace and uncertainty dominates our future; versus allowing it to drive inaction. I find that story-telling and visualization help us digest multiple signals.
This Future Thinking Canvas is an example of an approach I’ve used to help leaders see the intersections. At the heart of it lies Foresight. To that end, The Future Today Institute launched the 12th annual edition of their Technology Trends Report. Download the 2019 Report and infuse your future thinking with a fascinating look at the signals that represent our possible futures.
Originally published at http://frankdiana.net on May 28, 2019.