Assessing A Post Pandemic Future: A Video
What might a post-pandemic society look like? In a Recent Post, I attempted to address that question by taking a journey backward to a similar time; exactly a century ago. What does a backward journey have to do with a post-pandemic society? The answer lies in a famous quote:
“The further backward you look, the further forward you can see” Winston Churchill
My colleagues (Kevin Mulcahy, Rose Rodriguez, and April Harris) created a video that captures the Blog Content: A journey to the past, and then a look ahead. You can find other videos that focus on a reimagined future on this YouTube Channel.
As I have with every post, I’m including links to my previous COVID-19 posts.
Mid-Pandemic Impact on Supply Chains
Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Scenarios
Is The Canary Dead?
A Post Pandemic Society
How Will The Corona Virus Impact Globalization?
The Corona Virus Serves As A Catalyst For Change
COVID-19 Monday Morning News
Anatomy Of An Outbreak
Discussing A Post-Pandemic Society on Salem Radio Network
The COVID-19 Economic Impact On China and a Glimpse Of The Future
Coronavirus: Permanent Change? 34 Big Thinkers Explore the Possibilities
Originally published at on April 2, 2020.